We have an active ‘social life group’ at St Joseph’s, which strives to organise a wide variety of social events designed to appeal to a range of parishioners. Events being planned for 2024 include bingo sessions, a programme of outings, brunch, rugby outings, a quiz night and film nights. Check back here soon for more details.
Irish Night – Friday 4th October
Parish visit to Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation – Thursday 5th September

We are planning a parish visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead, and English Martyrs Church, Goring-by-Sea, on Thursday 5th September 2024. English Martyrs is famous for its recreation of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
The coach will depart Epsom (church car park) at 10.45am and leave Goring-by-Sea at 5pm for the return. The cost, depending on the number of bookings, will be in the region of £25. To join us, please speak to Jenny or John Mortimer, email jennyandjohnm@netscape.net or leave a note in the Parish Office by 2nd August 2024. All queries to Jenny and John Mortimer (01372-729048 or 07508-037083).

Parish pilgrimage to Medjugorje
Kathy Maskens is arranging a parish pilgrimage to Medjugorje, 15th-22nd October 2024. The
cost is from £789 per person, with All Saints travel company. Several people have booked already, and we still have places available. Please contact Kathy by email at kathymaskens@hotmail.com to book or if you want to know more. There is also a poster in the narthex with more information.