Welcome to St Joseph’s Church, Epsom

Showing God’s love to the world

Mass times

Usual Mass times are as follows (please check the calendar at the bottom of this page or the latest newsletter for any changes):

Monday – Saturday: 10.00am
Saturday: 5.30pm (first Mass of Sunday)
Sunday: 10.30am and 5.30pm

For those unable to come to the church, Masses are ‘live streamed’ at the above times on our YouTube channel. Recordings of the Masses are also available to view at a later time. Click on the link below to visit our YouTube channel.

Weekly reflection



Dear brothers and sisters in christ

In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear the "Beatitudes" as recorded in Luke’s Gospel. They are much shorter than those in Matthew’s Gospel, which perhaps we know better. In Luke, three beatitudes are contrasted with three sorrows. There are three themes here only: poverty, hunger and sadness. There are also words about rejection, contrasted with worldly praise. 

We might feel that the picture the Lord paints for us is bleak. Poverty, hunger, sadness and rejection are our lot. These we must accept, in these we must rejoice, if we are to reach the Kingdom of Heaven. The reverse riches, plenty, happiness and praise are, we are told, fruitless in  the grand scheme of things.
At the very least, this is a warning that comfort can distract us from the Gospel. This is, surely, evident in Western society, where wealth, consumerism and immediate instant joy, limit our vision, bring us to look at ourselves and lose sight of God’s presence and the needs of our brothers and sisters.
The way of the Christian must be a continual striving for what endures, a fixing of mind and heart on the person of Christ. This way demands trust, as both Jeremiah and the Psalmist make plain for us. It is this way that will bring us to a renewed openness to the virtue of hope, a focus on the wonder of the Kingdom that will inform our every action, and enable us to be true disciples of Christ.
With every blessing,












Latest News

Gift Aid Boxes

The Gift Aid Boxes of envelopes for the new tax year are nowready for collection in the Narthex. Please note, we have consolidated some of the box numbers, so your box number may have changed. If you have any questions, please contact Anja Johnson at ga.epsom@abdiocese.org.uk.

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St Joseph’s Admissions – September 2025

For admissions to St Joseph’s School from September 2025, there is no longer a need for parents and carers to be signing in at Mass. The requirement for entry from September 2025 is that you provide the school with a copy of the baptism certificate for your child and that you have the Supplementary Information…

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Signing for First Holy Communion

A reminder to Parents of all children who have registered an interest for making their First Holy Communion in May next year that they need to have their child’s Attendance Register signed when attending weekend Mass by a member of the Parish Team.

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The Synod

Find out the latest news about the Synod.

Epsom Foodbank

Find our how you can donate to help those in need.

Parish Finances

Find out how you can contribute to the parish.

New Parishioners

If you are new to St Joseph’s, welcome!

Please take the time to complete a registration form. This lets us know a little about you and enables us to keep in contact with you.

You can pick up a form from the narthex (at the back of the church) or from the parish office. We will shortly set up a way to register online via this website.

All new parishioners are warmly invited to join us for cheese, nibbles, wine and refreshments. Look out for the date of our next celebration in the Newsletters or Website.

Event Calendar

Sunday 16 February

10:30 – 11:30
Family Mass for Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
11:30 – 12:30
Bingo in the Church Hall
17:30 – 18:30
Evening Mass for Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Monday 17 February

10:00 – 10:30
Monday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Tuesday 18 February

10:00 – 10:30
Tuesday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Wednesday 19 February

10:00 – 10:30
Wednesday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Thursday 20 February

10:00 – 10:30
Thursday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Friday 21 February

10:00 – 10:30
Friday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
10:30 – 11:30
Tea & coffee in the Chatterton Room
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Saturday 22 February

10:00 – 10:30
Saturday Mass (The Chair of St Peter the Apostle)
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
17:30 – 18:30
Vigil Mass for Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Sunday 23 February

10:30 – 11:30
Family Mass for Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
17:30 – 18:30
Evening Mass for Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Monday 24 February

10:00 – 10:30
Monday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
10:30 – 11:30
Bereavement Cafe in the Chatterton Room
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

If you are having a difficult time and feel you would like to chat to someone, please do contact the Parish Office who will put you in touch with Paula or Theresa from the Bereavement Team.

Tuesday 25 February

10:00 – 10:30
Tuesday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Wednesday 26 February

10:00 – 10:30
Wednesday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Thursday 27 February

10:00 – 10:30
Thursday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Friday 28 February

10:00 – 10:30
Friday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
10:30 – 11:30
Tea & coffee in the Chatterton Room
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Saturday 1 March

10:00 – 10:30
Saturday Mass (St David)
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
17:30 – 18:30
Vigil Mass for Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Sunday 2 March

10:30 – 11:30
Family Mass for Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
17:30 – 18:30
Evening Mass for Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Monday 3 March

10:00 – 10:30
Monday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Tuesday 4 March

10:00 – 10:30
Tuesday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Wednesday 5 March

10:00 – 10:45
Ash Wednesday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Thursday 6 March

10:00 – 10:30
Thursday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Friday 7 March

10:00 – 10:30
Friday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
10:30 – 11:30
Tea & coffee in the Chatterton Room
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Saturday 8 March

10:00 – 10:30
Saturday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
17:30 – 18:30
Vigil Mass for Sunday
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Sunday 9 March

10:30 – 11:30
Family Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
17:30 – 18:30
Sunday Evening Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Monday 10 March

10:00 – 10:30
Monday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Tuesday 11 March

10:00 – 10:30
Tuesday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Wednesday 12 March

10:00 – 10:30
Wednesday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Thursday 13 March

10:00 – 10:30
Thursday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Friday 14 March

10:00 – 10:30
Friday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
10:30 – 11:30
Tea & coffee in the Chatterton Room
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Saturday 15 March

10:00 – 10:30
Saturday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
17:30 – 18:30
Vigil Mass for Sunday
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Sunday 16 March

10:30 – 11:30
Family Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
17:30 – 18:30
Sunday Evening Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Monday 17 March

10:00 – 10:30
Monday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Tuesday 18 March

10:00 – 10:30
Tuesday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Wednesday 19 March

10:00 – 10:30
Wednesday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Thursday 20 March

10:00 – 10:30
Thursday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Friday 21 March

10:00 – 10:30
Friday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
10:30 – 11:30
Tea & coffee in the Chatterton Room
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Saturday 22 March

10:00 – 10:30
Saturday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
17:30 – 18:30
Vigil Mass for Sunday
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Sunday 23 March

10:30 – 11:30
Family Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
17:30 – 18:30
Sunday Evening Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Monday 24 March

10:00 – 10:30
Monday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Tuesday 25 March

10:00 – 10:30
Tuesday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Wednesday 26 March

10:00 – 10:30
Wednesday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Thursday 27 March

10:00 – 10:30
Thursday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Friday 28 March

10:00 – 10:30
Friday Mass
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK
10:30 – 11:30
Tea & coffee in the Chatterton Room
St Joseph's Catholic Church, St Margaret Dr, Epsom KT18 7JQ, UK

Parish Finances

There are several ways you can contribute to the church offertory:

  • standing order: this is our preferred method. Please set up your standing order directly with your bank, using the following details (this is a business account) – account name RCD A&B St Joseph Epsom; sort code: 40-05-20; account number: 71076221; bank reference: your name, along with “GA” if you are a member of our Gift Aid scheme. (If you aren’t yet a Gift Aider, please do join the scheme! See below).
  • contactless devices: these are located in the narthex: just inside the door from the entrance, and near the office. Simply choose ‘Church offertory’ from the list on the screen, and please select the option to add gift aid if you are a tax payer. (Note: these devices can also be used for special collections).
  • gift aid envelope scheme: please place your envelope in the collection bags.
  • loose cash: please place in the collection bags.

Thank you for your support.